无所谓,没关系,常与"go" 联用;
Either way the Moray was already on the brink.
——辞典例句Either way, the risks of a protectionist backlash against China would rise.
不管采取哪种做法, 中国遭遇保护主义反弹的风险都将增加.
——期刊摘选Some SCM tools can be configured to behave either way.
互联网Either way I shall keep the faith, carrying on until the eviction order comes.
不管怎样我都将保持自己的信念, 继续努力直到驱逐的命令传来.
辞典例句It was a close fight that would have gone either way.
互联网You can argue either way, for or against.
辞典例句Either way, build up 4 - 5 combo points and expose armor.
不管哪种方法, 亮4 - 5个灯,然后破甲.
互联网Why are you so upset? Either way, you can only gain.
你为什么不高兴? 这是有利而无害的事.
辞典例句The self - loop of course, could be drawn with the arrow either way.
自然, 环按其方向可以画在下面也可以画在上面.
辞典例句But we can grow as a person either way.
互联网Either way, a permit and inspection would be required.
但不管怎样, 都需要许可证和检查.
互联网Either way, you might end up having to accept an approximate solution.
不管哪种情况, 最终都会以得到近似拟合而结束.
互联网The judge could have decided either way.
柯林斯例句Either way, both the money and the energy are welcome.
无论哪种方式, 他们付出的金钱和精力都是受欢迎的.
互联网He just couldn't make up his mind either way.
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